Thursday, September 16, 2010

practices, rosters, goals

We (UT-Chattanooga) had practice mon & wed. 15 people monday(low turn out likely due to the Monday Night Football double header. Right at 20 people on wednesday. both days we focused on marking the disc- up until this point we had only introduced a general force- focusing more of our time on teaching them the basic structure of a horizontal offense. our forces have definitely gotten better, as has most of the younger players decision making since the first week. the majority of their throws are still lacking across the board...probably due to the lack of time we have put into just throwing. we've shown them how, and most everyone can perform basic forehands and backhands, more than enough still have flicks that blade after 10 yards, but these players are typically talking to our veteran handlers about how to correct this. i need to remember to include some specific throwing stuff in our practice monday.

i've been compiling a roster on google docs, and it was just today that i realized how young we have the chance to be this year - with enough veterans that we won't have to play like a young team.
so far our roster has:
15 freshmen 1 of which has been playing club open/mixed in the south for 3 years, and year round w/ HS & League for 5. 
2 sophmores
4 juniors
4 seniors
3 5th years/grad students
(and we're likely adding 1-2 5th year/grad students in the spring)
looking at this- on top of the fact that we graduated 6 seniors last year is pretty sweet.

Goal setting:
Goal- 1. the result or achievement toward which effort is directed.

What are our team goals? Beating UT (our "rival)? Beating Miami(OH) (our new found tourny friends)? Beating XYZ team because we dislike them? 
While personal effort is definitely being put into these goals, team goals that direct and focus our practices need to be different. We need to put effort into achieving different results...or maybe more focused? results? Regardless of our goals, we, the team, need to come together and solidify what it is that we are working to achieve as a team, as well as individuals. 

To do's: 

  1. incorporate more throwing into Monday & Wednesday practice. . . 
  2. establish throwing Thursdays to get more throwing w/ freshmen.
  3. figure out how to best establish team goals- meet with team & discuss.
  4. begin establishing personal goals with all members of the team. 
  5. do work. 


  1. Awesome! Good luck with your young team.

    In goal setting for the team I would recommend differentiating between Result Goals (like beating XYZ team or scoring 80% of O-points) and Process Goals which talk about HOW you actually want to play.

    Team Process goals are those along the lines of "moving the disc before stall 4" , "getting players to see the whole field", "not allowing the other team's best receivers catch hucks by forcing them in", "confidently figure out a silent zone-to-man transition".

  2. yeah, we'll hopefully have a full time coach once Club Season passes- probably going to meet w/ him next week, should get some of these goals laid out.
